There's "comfort food" and then there's "comfort food". And all of us, from the Prime Minister down to the old gentleman who lives down the street, has our favourites. Even people like Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson.
One that comes to mind easily is Sausages and Mashed Potatoes, or as it is more commonly or popularly known, "Bangers and Mash". I see where it has become the all out favourite in Britain particularly during the economic down-turn.
And whatever you may think, (and I can hear some of you say, yuk when you look at the photos), it is a delicious and filling meal. That is, if it is cooked properly and if it is presented properly. Why even my dear old Mum was able to throw a couple of snags (sausages) on the plate with a dollop of mashed potato, and we kids would be straining at the bit ti get stuck into "dinner".
I can't think of when I've been disappointed at a serving. Until I had a spot of lunch at Stallions yesterday. There it was on the menu (for kids alas, but I've heard that anyone can ask for whatever's on the menu as an adult serving and expect to be served), so I figured, yes, it's bangers and mash for me today. Even if it's just a teeny tiny serve!
Well it fronted up, and if I'd served this to my kids, they would have thrown the plate at me. The above photos tell a story and even though the first four have come from the internet (with full acknowledgement to the owners of the photo copyrights) they also tell it how it is when it comes to serving up simple tucker like bangers and mash. Or how it should be. But take a good look at the fourth (bottom) photo - this is a photograph of the ACTUAL meal I was served. And before I go any further, please take note that this was an "ADULT" serving!
You'll see what I mean by "you don't always get what you expect" even though you pay for it. This meal cost me $12 - so what? There are local places and I'm certainly not talking about McDonalds or KFC where you can buy a good meal (even 2 course, either soup and mains or mains and sweets) for $12 in nice surroundings, accompanied by table linen, a house wine (on the house) for $12. Why didn't I go to one of those? Simply because it's nice to try out something new. But again back to the photo. You can even see the "grease"or "fat" that the sausages had been cooked in, smeared across the plate (to the right). This serving and plate presentation, did not endear me to the restaurant at all.
And what's this got to do with being a blog on a plus size site? Everything. Because all of us have to eat. It matters not that we are size zero or size 20. And sometimes we need a bit of "comfort food". But not greasy food (even the mash was sitting in grease!) thrown on a plate and served up as though it were part of King Henry VIII's banquet!
We think we'll regularly re-visit the subject of food and "comfort food" a bit more often within this blog. There's nothing quite as good as a bit of constructive criticism!
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