I'm at long last finding time to spend by myself and I'm being surprised every day with the knowledge there are times when I like solitude.
Let me hasten to say though, that in no way do I enjoy being "lonely" and sometimes it happens - but I mean choosing to be "alone" is quite nice when you want it to be.
For those of you who know me a little through my various columns, you will already know that my career curve has taken another one - curve I mean! I'm loving the freedom that this choice is giving me, in doing the things that I want to do, when I want to do them, and with who I want to do them. And I'm saying nothing further in that regard - well, not at the moment anyway.
This morning has been one of those bleak cold and grey mornings, and while sitting down with a good book and a cup of coffee - with cream! - I found that I was suddenly transported away on imaginings and my thoughts were falling all over each other in their scramble to form a sensible pattern. I realised that I was day-dreaming, and when I thought more seriously about it, I realised I hadn't had time to daydream for years, being heavily committed to business activities and travelling, and then having to run the home as well before my CDC - "career direction change".
I remembered as a child - especially in the classroom, when I would dabble in daydreaming - of course neither the teacher nor my parents found it amusing, and told me I was wasting valuable time and expense in doing so.
But you know, I've found in my adulthood that being able to daydream occasionally rounds off some of the harsh edges that life creates for us. Being able to put day-0dreams into action plays a big part in our abilities to take on new challenges, to set new goals and to undertake new adventures.
I don't know about you, but I find daydreams very valuable stuff - without them I think that life would be sadly lacking in some of the romance and fantasy areas that we all need at some time during our lives.
That's not to say that we should spend the whole day daydreaming but occasionally it can do us good. As a matter of fact just like chocolates - did you read the other day that chocolates can be VERY good for us, if eaten sensibly and moderately?
That's great, because I've decided to take advantage of daydreaming when I want to and enjoying chocolates when I want to. Perhaps I can combine the two together!
Because I reckon I'll be all the happier - knowing that there's no suggestion of "having to go without" because that to me, WOULD be a waste of time.
.....© Leonie Stevens
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