While we all agree on this point, Casey surprised us all by her suggestion that looking outside the square also applies to plus-size fashion.
Eagerly waiting for her to go on, she explained that she had just spent the day before visiting all the local Op Shops in the area nearest her home. In all she managed to go to seven, and because she had planned the day and allocated herself a budget to spend, she went with the attitude that if she saw something she liked and it fitted her, that she'd buy, without any guilt feelings. Apart from clothing, Casey had invested in a beautiful Queen Anne dressing table which cost her $50 as well as a Queen Anne china cabinet which cost $35. As you can tell she loves old-fashioned things and these two items especially will grace her house with pride.
So during a lull in the office, we gathered around Casey's desk while she opened up a number of bags and bought out among other things, some snazzy long-line summer dresses (ankle length) two of which were reversible giving her options in different colour schemes (what a great idea - why don't we see this idea more often?); slim pants, a number of silk shirts, and an exquisite jacket heavily embroidered, with purple lining. Each of the girls in the office expressed oohs and aahs when they saw these garments had top-brand labels still with price tags still attached.
It was almost impossible to believe that the clothes Casey had bought were new and had never been worn while those which were pre-loved were in excellent condition and would quite easily have passed as having just come off the production line.
What was incredible however was that not one piece of the clothing Casey bought cost her more than $10. No, not even the embroidered jacket.
There's been too much hype of "stigma" from many women who shout about the indignity of going into Op Shops to buy clothes - this is stupid because unless as Casey says, we look outside the square how can we find absolute bargains like this, at affordable prices? Casey had set herself a budget of $200 and she came home with change after buying furniture which she has been wanting for a long time and a new wardrobe of clothes that will see her set for her upcoming holidays, when it is thought she will be meeting her future in-laws! She'll certainly make a statement!