Saturday, May 1, 2010

A change in direction!

Just as a change in direction is important in life, so sometimes is a change of location. Maybe that particular change is a result of getting a promotion in your job; wanting to be nearer family - either parents or family; just choosing to go somewhere you've fallen in love with; or maybe even you've fallen in love with someone who lives somewhere other than where you are!

It can be challenging, and it can be hectic and it can be fun, and it can be tiring.

I've just done another "house-move". Renting a home means a lot of things, and apart from settling into new surroundings, making new (or reconnecting with old) friends, and establishing a new daily routine, it also means lots of costs - those quite obvious and those that are hidden!

Even though I've done a fair few house-moves over the past few decades, I still find it all so exciting. And being able to work out what I really need and what I don't need means that I'm constantly cleaning out! Which is good, not only because I find new ways of enjoying my life, but also the Charity shops win out too!


  1. I can certainly relate to that. I moved on January 30th (my 63rd birthday) to what I jokingly call 'my final resting place' because my new home is in a Salvation Army Retirement Village where I can stay for the rest of my life.

    If you rent privately, the problem of landlords asking you to move (for genuine reasons) becomes quite worrying as you become older and perhaps have health problems. So I decided to move now whilst I am still in spring chicken mode.

    It IS exciting sorting out and giving away and I am now down to the bare minimum for my 2-bedroomed cottage.

  2. Dear RoseMary - I have been here! Love your colours. If you find house moving exciting, perhaps you have a bit of gypsy in you like I do. I love to move and decorate and start fresh. Enjoy! Essa
