Monday, May 17, 2010

The colours of Autumn/Winter

It's a funny old world. As the temperatures drop, why is it that for some reason we start wearing dull and bland coloured clothes? It's not only overcoats or pant/skirt suits, it's also shirts and tops. There seem to be two distinct "uniforms" these days - jeans and tee shirts or everything in black. Now the girls in our group all love black, we all have many pieces in our wardrobes that are black, which we use as a basic to "dress up". But as the weather turns colder, we're like hibernating animals in shrugging ourselves into our blacks, dark browns and dark navy blues. Is it because we want to hide or are we perhaps a bit too timid to let our hair down and dazzle everyone around us with bright, blinding, vivid, intense colour.

Colour that shouts, "hey look at me." Colour that says, "don't ignore me 'cos I'm making a statement." Colour that says, "ignore me at your peril!"

This season is a season of fashion colour. Jewel colours - the deep lush greens, the dazzling ruby reds, the fascinating sapphire blues, the amazing amethyst mauves/purples. And embellishing beautiful blacks and charcoal greys, we have sequins and lurex.

Honestly, if you don't join in and get yourself something outrageous and wear it with aplomb and panache, then you'll be missing out on a lot of fireworks.

Just because many of us are deemed to be curvaceous beyond the thin catwalk waif, don't be afraid to highlight those curves and to express your femininity with lots of razzle-dazzle.

Jane is part of our group - a brunette with lovely dark cascading hair. She has the most exquisite green eyes and is the envy of many. Jane visited a local charity shop last week and bought herself a 1950s luscious emerald green satin evening gown. The skirt of the gown was a double full circle. Jane has made herself a cocktail dress, calf length, with a plunging neckline and is the talk of the town - her town!

It only takes a little imagination.

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