There's a lot to be said for having a wardrobe full of clothes. Yet if some of those clothes just sit there year after year, never being taken out and worn, then really what good are they to you?
For the plus size woman, this is a real problem. If she is fortunate enough to find something that looks good on her and she feels good wearing it, she will often try to buy two of the same garment. Not because she's greedy, but simply because she may not find anything else later on that will do the same for you and make her feel happy in having something special to wear.
Then we come to the problem that many, if not most, plus size women find. They change shape as they grow older! It's not intentional, and often it just happens. (The consequences of surgery and certain medications have a lot to do with this as well.) So a woman who may have been "busty" in her youth finds to her dismay that most of that bountifulness moves "south" and sits around her tummy and hips. From an "hour-glass" figure, she becomes a "pear" shape, if not a "bell". As far as clothes go, then anything fitted becomes obsolete. On the other hand, she does not want to have to wear misshapen huge, concealing tents. She wants to look good, regardless of her shape.
I find countless women turn to a simple way of dressing while still retaining their own personal "style". Its not necessarily a disguise; it's using common sense and interesting tactics to achieve an acceptable end.
While many women resort to wearing tee shirts or shirts that sit on the hip, there are those brave enough to wear flowing, longer line tunics or jackets. These may not "cover" many sites of figure problems, but they certainly do give an illusion of slimness as far as the wearer is concerned. And that's the main thing. Because it doesn't really matter what other people think, if a plus size woman feels as though she looks good, then she feels good, and if she feels good, then her attitude and her self esteem are happy and healthy.
This where purchasing pre-loved clothes comes into it's own. Now I'm not exactly a fan of buying on eBay, although I can see the many advantages to hundreds of thousands of people. But I've heard of so many "bad" transactions. I'd like to be able to sell pre-loved garments direct, one person to another, with payment being a simple transfer of money to a bank account. Of course these would have to be based on a code of ethics and trust from both sides. But I'd appreciate your thoughts on this one. Take for instance the beautiful almost see-through calf length chiffony jacket pictured; it's never been worn. I'd like to find a new home for it. It deserves to be worn on special occasions by a special woman. Interested?
Actually, that is absolutely gorgeous. How much would you sell something like that?