Monday, March 9, 2009

A "new" Image!

It is always the RIGHT time to start anew! So often we allow opportunities to pass us by merely because we're hesitant, and in some cases afraid, to do or take on something new and different. But going out on a limb is half the fun.

Let's think serioulys about what we WANT from life; from one another; from our careers and from our families. But before we do that why don't we take a moment to sit down and think seriously about what we can GIVE to life, what we can GIVE to one another; what we can GIVE to our families and what we can GIVE to our careers.

So many of my friends and readers are going through a stage of "minimising" thus maximising their lives. Sometimes in our pursuit to "achieve" and "possess" we forget what is really important so it's refreshing to know that there are some who are listening to their hearts and looking towards great things.

Teens and older students want more than just being seen as kids attending school and not contributing to society. Young women want more from life than just being seen as "career climbers" or "empty headed spenders." Young Mums want more than just to be the family handy-person, chauffeur or someone who has opted out of "going to work" (especially as seen by other women). Older Mums and Grandmas want more than just to be seen as the "local bank". Older women want to be seen as being "alive" and flesh-and-blood- women, rather than just being an "old person". Each wants to be allowed to be themselves without being judged as "selfish" by others.

Quite often when we are allowed to be our own person, we find our capacity to GIVE to each other increases. Our feelings of self-worth increase with that knowledge. Does this make sense to you?

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